Sunday, October 5, 2014

mom's got a boyfriend

Sooner of later it happens. Your child's mother, your "ex", the woman you were supposed to grow old with finds someone else. What did you expect? You knew this was going to happen. In fact, you may have found new love in your life as well. This can be something that is at the very least confusing, and probably pretty frustrating to young ones.  Finn's mother and I split when he was about 5, and it wasn't very pleasant. It was a war. I could tell tales of horror, throw some dirty words and utilize smear tactics in here, but I've moved along and my relationship with my son is wonderful. My relationship with his mother is cordial and I think we both have Finn's best interests at heart. Let's leave it at that. I've taken quite a bit of high road in the last several years, and the view from up here is pretty good. I think that Finn thought that maybe his mom and dad would get back together. This is probably pretty common. We aren't getting back together.

My son  mentions the "new guy" who lives with them now, and apparently he's  pretty cool. I'm glad to hear it, but the boyfriend is inconsequential to me. The most important thing for my son to know is that I am his father, and that I will always be his father. Always. Just because there's someone else's shoes at the door, and a different color toothbrush in the bathroom doesn't mean I've abandoned him in any way. I think he knows that. Kids are smart. I also don't want him to be afraid of new relationships that arise in his world. He's met some really good people in his short life, and he's going to meet a lot more. Some of these will be through his mom and dad. Oh yeah, he's going to meet some assholes too. I met a couple just the other day, but that's life and life is for everybody.

I won't lie. It's not always easy thinking about some other guy playing catch with my son, or showing him tricks on his skateboard, but in an odd way, I'm glad he's there.

He's never getting any of my recipes though. Fuck that.