Sunday, November 2, 2014


Finn and I make our own Holiday cards. We take turns in the creative seats. Sometimes I illustrate, and he supplies the "writing" and sometimes we reverse roles (he really doesn't need me, but it's nice that he lets me play along.) This is a project that I always look forward to. It's a true team thing, just him and I. We even have small, informal critiques where we discuss the direction of things, modifying where appropriate, as well as celebrating a winning effort. Finding something that you and your child/children do that's unique and special is vital when it comes to building and strengthening that single parent son and/or daughter relationship. Having it be a wholesome activity that bears fruit which can be shared with others is a bonus. Opening a meth cookery is not wholesome, and I would advise against it. It's illegal and it's dangerous. Let Mr. Brown the science teacher instruct your children in chemistry. That's his job.

Finn's cards have been shown in galleries, have garnished awards, and have even been interpreted in the form of dolls, lovingly hand made by one of our special and immensely talented art pals, Mary Fortuna. These have found a home in our house, reminding us that we actually do make a pretty good team.

We are in the process of working on the card for 2015. I am copy writing this one and, I think Finn and I will split the drawing duties. We don't make very many so if you get one, it means that you are undoubtedly a very good person, who has made an impression on my son, to the point that we both wish for you a happy holiday.

If not, well, try harder next year.