Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Family Business

I am an artist. No really. People occasionally pay me in coin of the realm for my creativity. My grandfather was a lawyer in Detroit, and a damn good one. Sometimes he would get paid in meat, cheese, or other goods from his clients in various market based industries. Another time. Another story.

I have had a very productive, and fulfilling career as a creative maker of various types, as an educator, and even as a gallery director/administrator. Some folks even seek my opinions these days, and I give it more than freely. I guess that's called consulting. I even have 2 degrees in Art and one of them is a Masters. Whatever.

Now it's time for me to throw another hat on the rack: I am purchasing the guts to a mom and pop picture framing operation. I know enough about the process to get into a bit of trouble, as well as craft some nice homes for people's treasures. That's what a frame is. Sanctuary. At its most basic level, a signal and reminder of value and importance, be it monetary, sentimental, whatever. I will be providing this now and I do not take this responsibility lightly. I'll be leaning on some great framing mentors to get myself up to speed with the mechanics and I'm excited about this new chapter. There will be branding and there will be marketing as I look to find my niche, and part of that component involves "give-away-stuff." I love give-away-stuff.

 I am also excited at the prospect of having a traditional, craft based, creative, endeavor to share with my son, Finn. He has been raised in a what you might call an environment that fosters and supports creative expression. There are rules and there is order, but at the core of our household there exists a world of exploration and making. This new opportunity will plug right into that quite nicely, and if things go well, someday "it will all be his."

I will still be designing, I will still be illustrating, I will still be teaching, and I will still be consulting, but now I'll be doing this too. Along with my son who used to have long hair.

1 comment:

Ms. Smart said...

wonderful. love this for you and Finn. congratulations. best of luck friend.